What's he really saying anyway?


54 days till Egypt

Karel was always interested in people. She wanted to visit all corners of the world just to get to know them. One place, in particular, seemed to fascinate her; Egypt. She would always dream up big ideas of her little self floating on a magic carpet, swerving between the pyramids.

As she grew older, she became accustomed to new responsibilities. One such responsibility was learning 'truth' from 'fiction'. Karel was often criticized for being stubborn, and was cast off as "incountable" by her peers for never learning this. She did learn that magic carpets were impossible, and that the Egyptians had a rich history of exploit in faith-based monarchies.

She studied at the college, Ancient History: Egyptian Studies (go figure), and worked at a boutique in a trendy city neighbourhood. She felt busy and paranoid, and often stressed, but she was determined to get to Egypt. Her coworker's would often hear Karel say, "When I get to Egypt..." and various hopeful premonitions. Then one day they heard her say "54 days till Egypt..."

That same day, Karel had suffered a huge loss in grades, and she was unsure why. She decided to cut back on her hours and get serious about her job. Karel worked on weekends, and became so devoted, her coworkers noticed a constant paranoia in her towards the customers. Karel called the security so often over the next two months of the summer semester, that eventually they became friends and eventually became tireless of Karel's antics; finally asking: "When are you going to Egypt?"

To which Karel responded, "54 days."

The security guards continued to visit whenever Karel called, and sometimes, she'd even be right. She was feeling happy, and her grades had improved. Her time at work had been productive, and she surely had accumulated enough money and resources for a ticket to Egypt. One day, Karel finally proclaimed to her coworkers, "One week till Egypt!" and they surely took notice: "54 days passes by so fast!"

The security guards visited her several days later, but she had not called them in. They were accompanied by police officers, who cuffed and arrested Karel and took her to the station. Her coworkers later learned that she had been shoplifting for many months and even selling some of the spoils.

Now she can't leave the country.

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